Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Guide to a Learning Center With an Autistic Student

A Guide to a Learning Center With an Autistic StudentMore parents are choosing a tutoring portal over a traditional classroom. This is because the website's mission is to bridge the gap between children and their parents. This site is designed to connect and educate parents who have a child who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder or other special needs.One of the great things about the tutor portal is that it allows parents to schedule sessions with qualified teachers. This gives the parent the time to be with their child and listen to them. No other tutor portal can offer the flexibility that a tutor portal does. A tutor portal allows parents to view live classes that match their child's needs.There are some special lessons in the tutor portal. These lessons will help parents understand their child's specific learning style and gain the knowledge that they need to become a better teacher. This website also offers parent and teacher tools such as forums, blogs, social media and more.The tutor portal gives parents an opportunity to develop friendships with teachers. They will have access to support groups and can ask for assistance from teachers as needed. Parents will also gain access to materials that will help them become a better teacher and child.Parents can also schedule an appointment with a qualified teacher that has experience with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This will provide parents with an opportunity to know that they have a qualified teacher in their child's life. Parents will also receive an overview of what a tutor session is like. This makes them more comfortable with the whole process and sets up the expectation for their child's behavior.Parents are not the only people that benefit from the tutor portal. This will help children have a better start in school. This will help them feel more like a part of the classroom. This is an important thing to consider when choosing a learning center for your child.Parents will be given access grants for mater ials. These materials can be used by the parent or taught to the child. This can help children be in the right environment when it comes to getting a better education. This is a great way to give your child the best opportunity for success and happiness.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Online Tutors Push Up Your Scores with Their Assignment Solutions

How Online Tutors Push Up Your Scores with Their Assignment Solutions 0SHARESShare Feeling stressed or tense is no way out for assignment completion or test preps- these are routine work, unavoidable and highly demanding. You need to do something instead of pondering over your lack of skills or ineffective test preps. Search for resources that stand out unique in offering you services to pull up your scores   with their timely help. Online tutoring sources are at their best in leading student minds towards progress and better scores in education. Assignment help- a great asset for the needy student You need help with  assignment, when you struggle with any kind of lesson that bores you to death for completion ( Meaning you do not get the motivation to concentrate on the topic)  You are unable to grasp what the topic wants you to do  You are hard pressed for time and have other tasks to attend Those are the best sites to offer assignment help, which Extend their help to all the branches of study like Science, Finance, Engineering, Human Resources, Law and nursing Do not just try to complete your homework but suggest, mentor and guide you to complete your task Create example solutions for you to follow and motivate you thereby to accomplish your academic goal by yourself Suggest further study material to show you a big dig into the topic and kindle your curiosity to learn further about the subject Offer free online tools with the expert coordination of online tutors to provide a sound understanding of the concepts. Why do you need a Math online help? Math demands strenuous efforts to complete the work but expects you to be cool and collected to complete Achieving both is almost impossible in many cases Live online math help helps you achieve a cool mind to complete your work The math tutor online with his networked environment clarifies your doubts then and there to get you out of the eleventh hour doubts while doing math sums He shares the electronic devices to write, draw graph, use calculator to help you do the sums on the spot His help is timely at any odd hour across the world What else you need to complete your homework tasks? [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

What SAT Score do you Need to Enter Your Dream College

What SAT Score do you Need to Enter Your Dream College 0SHARESShare If you are taking the SAT 2012 exam, then this is one question which you must seek an answer for. To get into one of the top ranking schools in USA, it is important that you secure a high rank in SAT 2012 exam. Each SAT 2012 exam section ( critical reading, math and writing ) have a weight-age of somewhere between 200 and 800 points each piece, thus your SAT score can range anywhere between 600 and 2400 points. The average SAT score in USA in 2011 was 1500 points, the individual scores of each section being the following: Math: 514 Critical Reading: 497 Writing: 489 To secure a position in one of the top ranking schools in USA, you need a 90th percentile or 2100 and above points in your SAT 2012 exam. The score might seem high but with the right SAT online tutoring, getting into the college of your choice isnt that difficult. To know more about SAT online tutoring click here. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Know, Like, Trust The Key to Creating Your Competitive Advantage - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Know, Like, Trust The Key to Creating Your Competitive Advantage - Introvert Whisperer Know, Like, Trust: The Key to Creating Your Competitive Advantage Why does one kid get picked first for playing a game at school? Is it because theyre the most popular? Is it because theyre the best at playing the game? Yes to both. Why does this same person always get picked first, or is at least among the first to be picked? Because they have a competitive advantage. Understanding what it takes to create a competitive advantage for your career is important. Just like getting picked to be on a team, you want to be picked for promotions and opportunities. You want to be one of those people other people think of when they want to have “just the right person. That person could be you. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) What Is a Competitive Advantage? Businesses talk about competitive advantage all the time. As a manager of your career,  you can learn from their thinking on this topic. In a business setting, a competitive advantage is  a condition or attribute that allows the business  to outperform or in some way distinguish itself from the competition.  Some examples: Starbucks competitive advantage is clearly that they are everywhere. You can argue their coffee is the competitive advantage, and maybe it contributes, but it’s hard to compete as a coffee retailer against Starbucks, who is located in grocery stores, department stores and is  on every other block in some cities. Definitely a competitive advantage. Apple has maintained competitive advantage by being the first to innovate a graphic user interface followed by various forms of computing ranging from cell phones to tablets to laptops and computers. Other companies have been running this past decade simply to try to catch up. In other words, a competitive advantage can be as simple as being the first one to do something, the one to offer the best price, or a combination of alluring attributes. If we look at the example of the kid getting picked first, this kid was  well liked and had a noteworthy skill set. It’s possible their advantage could have been just one of those two attributes. When you look around you, who has the competitive advantage, and what is it about them that has created this condition? If you answered, “Because the boss likes them,” you might think that situation is a complete mystery, but it’s really not. Sure, the boss might really like them, but theres a reason for this, and you can do a lot to ensure the same status for yourself. If youve ever heard of the term know, like, trust, it  can help you form your plan for creating a competitive advantage. (More about that in a minute.) Why a Competitive Advantage Is Important for  Introverts I’m sure you’ve noticed the cultural “darlings” are the extraverted people. Theyre certainly more noticeable and the standard all of us are measured by. For us Introverts, we don’t have this built-in competitive advantage. We have to work a bit harder to simply keep up with others, much less stand out or have any competitive advantage. If youve failed to help others understand what makes you distinct from those around you, you are failing your career. You may also be failing those people because they can’t use or benefit from  your capabilities. Failure to create a competitive advantage means you will not get ahead, not get promotions, will struggle with the job search and will feel completely under-appreciated. You could add lost income to this list because if youre slow to get promoted, you will be slow to get increases in your paycheck. Any one of these issues is significant enough to warrant your attention, but most people who  don’t create competitive advantage for themselves suffer from all of these problems. I might add that when youre repeatedly facing these problems, it will ultimately change who you are. It’s hard to stay positive and enjoy life when the biggest part of how you spend your time is deflating you each and every day. Now, back to the whole concept of know, like, trust The Anatomy of Know, Like, Trust 1. Know Once again, we can learn from business concepts and apply them to our career. Keep in mind it’s people who do business with people, which means this concept is really all about how people relate to each other. This first part of this equation (know)  is about helping other people to know you. You need to help other people understand your skills, your strengths and your values. This is the recipe for what makes you unique. Aside from simply knowing that juicy list of attributes, we all want to know what’s in it for me? Yes, we are all self-centered, as much as we try to deny it. The people you come in contact with, especially at work, need to know how you can help them. If you haven’t educated those around you, you will get ignored and, from there, the whole cascade of issues I mentioned previously will be your reality. The reason you must start this process with know is because until someone understands what you bring to the party, it’s impossible to like or trust you. 2. Like Think about this for a minute: What kind of gravitational pull does someone have when you don’t like them?  How supportive are you of them? More than likely, you run the other way to avoid people like this. You are not likely  to do anything  to help or support a person you don’t like, much less do anything other than the bare minimum to interact with them. Even if you don’t dislike another person and are neutral about them, these same questions apply. No one goes out of their way to support or help another person who  is a blank slate to them emotionally. All of this means there is good reason to have someone like you and become emotionally invested in you (and vice versa). It’s also important to point out that when you like someone, youre more apt to pay attention to them and cut them some slack when they mess up. We become more invested in people we like and want to see things go well for them. This doesn’t mean you have to set out to turn everyone into your BFF, because that wouldn’t happen anyway. It simply  means that as you help people to know  you, you should  also be engaged in finding a real connection with them. 3. Trust Trust is a foundational characteristic of all successful relationships. It is the reliance we place in another person based on their integrity, strengths, values and reliability. When you can’t trust another person, you inherently question their motives and behavior. Your distrust becomes the lens through which you view them. It is possible to like a person but not trust them, which is why your competitive advantage must be  founded in all three characteristics. If only 2 of the 3 exist, you really don’t have the conditions necessary for forming a competitive advantage. People can know, understand and take advantage of your skill sets, but if they don’t like or trust you, they will stop short right there. They won’t refer people to you, they won’t make a case for promoting you and theyll  have second thoughts if opportunities crop up for which  youre qualified. Trust can be a very fragile thing as it can be destroyed by only one bad act. Restoration of trust takes time and consistent behavior to restore and, even then, can be not fully rebuilt. How to Create Know, Like, Trust (and Build Your Competitive Advantage) You have complete control over  how this should be orchestrated. Heres how to do it: Creating  Know Communication â€" This isnt always a strong suit of Introverts, but you can still mater it. Its really about looking for opportunities to update, share and help others. You don’t have to turn into a blabbermouth, but you do need to freely offer up information and make it easy for others to get it from you. Focus â€" What you focus on is how people come to know you. If you want to be known a certain way, then focus on that thing by talking about it and doing whatever it  is. For instance, if you want to be known as a social media  guru, then learn it, do it and help others to do it. Consistency â€" If you only occasionally do the other two items, people won’t know what to make of you. You have to be consistent. Being consistent also is foundational to building trust as it shows others they can rely on you and know what to expect. Creating  Like You might think liking someone is magical or organic, and while that does take place, it also has  certain qualities you can replicate. People are more attracted to other people and like them when you: Are warm and inviting.   Smile at others; it shows that you re open and friendly. Are humorous.  People like people who have a good sense of humor and can easily laugh and enjoy life. Look at them. It’s hard to feel a connection with someone who really won’t look you in the face. Show interest. Strange how this works. People like people who like them. The best way to show interest is to ask questions and become engaged with the person youre talking with. Find commonality.  When  youre asking questions, look for points of commonality between you and the other  person. It’s easier to engage with someone when you have a few things in common. Obviously, you have work in common already it’s your job to find other things as well. Support them. When you offer to help someone, especially with your skills, it not only reinforces your competitive advantage, but you build an all-important relationship. Creating Trust Assuming you got the message about consistency, youve  probably begun to established trust with other people at work. This, of course, assumes youre a person who  operates with integrity and honesty as their core values. The biggest challenge you have now (which might not be that much of a challenge for you) is to do nothing to mess up that impression. In Summary Know, like, trust  is the backbone to your competitive advantage and you need  a competitive advantage if you are to succeed in life and in your career. (By the way, these same pearls of wisdom also apply to our Extraverted counterparts out there, but don’t share this with them. Use this advice as your own secret weapon, saved only for the Ambitious Introvert.) What steps can you take to create  know, like trust and build your competitive advantage today? Share your thoughts in the comments! Image:  Flickr Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

How I Got Into Williams College

How I Got Into Williams College By Chloe Brown When I started my college search, I knew I wanted to go to a small, liberal arts school, either in New England or California. But once I visited Williams College, I fell in love. I knew that was where I wanted to go. So when fall of senior year rolled around, I sent off my Early Decision application and waited, typing up my other applications in between rounds of biting my nails. As you may have guessed, things worked out alright and in December I got a big, thick, purple envelope. While I dont know exactly what goes on in the head of an admissions officer, I can tell you what sort of applicant I looked like. I had spent all of high school singing in choir, took voice lessons, and for three years had been in the regional honor choir. I was captain of my Mock Trial team, which that year, went onto the national competition in Oklahoma City. I threw shotput and discus on the Track and Field team, took guitar lessons, and was interested in creative writing. I took AP English and History classes, and as many Philosophy electives as the school offered. In short, I worked very hard. However, Id also like to spend some time talking about the things I didnt to: I didnt take Calculus, I took Statistics instead. I didnt take an AP science class my senior year so that Id be able to take a new philosophy class that my favorite English teacher was offering. I was on Varsity Track and Field my first two years of high school, but quit. I didnt write a very traditional application essay but instead tried to use it as an opportunity to showcase my writing. Why is this important? I think a lot of the time, students feel like they have to do everything excellently in order to get into their top school. And while working hard is essential, its also important to make choices. You see, I didnt take Calculus not only because math wasnt my favorite subject, but also because it was offered at the same time as an English class I wanted to take. When I quit the track team, it was because I knew I wouldnt be able to go to both the track meets and Mock Trial competitions, and had to pick one. In short, you should pursue things passionately, but only the ones youre genuinely passionate about. Schools want to be impressed and want to see that youre involved in many activities, but they also know that one person cant do literally everything. Its just not possible, and this is something that they know too. Instead, showing focus and commitment are key. If theres something you love doing, do as much of it as possible, get a leadership position, or start your own club. Colleges are looking for people who will add something to their communities, so once you start to get a sense of what makes you most excited, whether its sports, theater, math, or languages, dive into it. It gives colleges a more honest picture of you and what youre interested in, and moreover, makes you a more interesting candidate.

Yoga for the Voice - an introduction!

Yoga for the Voice - an introduction! Suzy S. Here is a very interesting article written by our singing teacher gfire, hailing from Austin, Texas, about how practicing yoga techniques can improve overall singing capability: When I first began my professional singing career, still in my teens, I was extremely dissatisfied with the explanations I had been given for how and why the singing voice works. I just couldnt make my voice do the things I wanted it to. Admittedly, I had pretty high expectations. Fortunately, I went to my public library and happened on a copy of Science and Singing by the late, great Ernest George White of London, England. After decades of scientific research, White discovered how the voice and vocal tone actually originate in the four sets of sinus cavities in the head, not in the throat/vocal cords, as was previously believed. White taught people to speak who had had their vocal cords surgically removed just by training them in controlling the air in their sinus cavities. He explains in his book that the air vibrating in an enclosed space (the head) acts as a musical instrument, similar to a flute or a recorder or even air moving through a keyhole and producing sound. He felt that the vocal cords, or vocal folds as he preferred to call them, merely aided in regulating the flow of breath from the lungs up to the head, where the sound was actually produced. Unfortunately for me, White had already passed away in 1940, so I began my own attempts at playing with the air in my sinus cavities. After many months of study, pretty much by trial and error, I found that I was actually a first soprano, not a second soprano, as I had thought. I found that it took much less air and a lot of control to maintain my high notes, but that I now HAD control. And I really began to develop my own unique singing voice, after years of trying to sound like everyone else that I admired. Wow even my high expectations had been reached. When I moved to Austin a few years later, I began teaching singing (and piano) as my day job. I taught all kinds of people how to sing and speak, from age 8 to age 72. Many of my students found great success with playing with the air in their sinuses remarking that, although they hadnt had success with traditional exercises, they could now make their voices sound clearer and they could control the voice. There is a lot of joy in learning that what was once a mystery can be placed under control in a fun and musical way. But what actually ended up putting the true icing on the cake for what I now call Yoga For the Voice technique was my study of kundalini yoga, and subsequent training as a kundalini yoga instructor. I found that by incorporating yogic breathing and exercises, and sometimes even chanting yoga mantras, my students and I were able to make even more progress in controlling our vocal instruments. Not to mention the improvements in health, speaking voice, keeping the sinuses free and clear, and gains in personal confidence. Some of the benefits we discovered: * You learn exactly what your vocal range is and why your vocal range is determined by the shape, number and quality of the sinus cavities in your head. * You discover how to create the very best tone your voice is capable of making when you can keep as many muscles as possible out of the way of creating a pure tone in the head, you have the basis of beautiful, unencumbered musical sound * You feel the difference in your own body singing feels healthy, beautiful and under your control. If it feels right, it actually is right. The reverse is true as well if it feels wrong, then there is some work to be done, usually in releasing some tension and muscular effort that is getting in the way of the tone. * A side benefit includes keeping the sinuses free and clear it actually helps your overall health in addition to your vocal health. Ernest G. Whites sinus exercises have been used solely for the purpose of keeping the head cavities clear, and can be helpful for people with allergies and other problems which create mucus in the sinuses. * Whites exercises can be used to improve your speaking voice and your vocal projection they are excellent for actors, teachers and public speakers as well as for singers. In general, if one is just using the exercises for speaking purposes, the vocal range is more limited and focused on the actual speaking voice than in singing training. * For children, I tend to break it down to very basic, easy-to-understand exercises. I think the sinus concepts are too difficult for most children to grasp, so I try to give them exercises they can easily understand and have fun with. In the beginning stages of vocal training, a typical Yoga For the Voice lesson will consist of three parts. First I teach the student two different kundalini breathing techniques that have proven useful to the singing student. We next begin the sinus exercises from Ernest George Whites teachings, starting to find what I like to term the musical architecture inside the voice students head, i.e. her/his particular set of sinus cavities. The last part consists of integrating what we have learned into full body exercises, which enable the student to start to experience her/his full vocal instrument, from the solar plexus to the top of the head. I sometimes use traditional vocal exercises for this step or, depending on the student, chanting exercises. If you are interested in exploring Yoga For the Voice further, my voice lessons are available privately at my music studio in Austin, Texas. In addition, I offer lessons over the phone and over the Internet as well (using Skype), making myself available to you wherever you are in the world. ABOUT gfire gfire is a professional singer-songwriter, DJ, voice and piano teacher and Kundalini yoga instructor based in Austin, Texas. She has taught literally hundreds of students how to use their voices more effectively. For more information, please visit

Should We Turn to Free Tutoring

Should We Turn to Free Tutoring Free Online Tutoring in the UK ChaptersThe Actors of Free Online TutoringPrivate tutoring through tutoring sitesFree Tutoring and Educational Support AssociationsFree Tutoring Resources: An Alternative to Private Tutors?Learning to read or succeeding in a test is not easy for everyone. It’s not infrequent for children to have difficulties in school. This is stressful for the teachers, but of course for the parents as well.Does this apply to you?Does your child have difficulty understanding the subject matter?Is doing their homework a constant struggle?What are the solutions?More and more parents are turning towards tutoring services and homework helpers. From elementary school to A-Levels, private tutors can help turn around a struggling student.Learning how to do revision, to improve and delve into the subject matter: these are the goals of any individualized tutoring classes.But among the various options - home tutoring, online tutoring, tutoring apps - there are a few that stand out to help students having di fficulties without spending too much money and allowing your child to progress.Whether free math tutoring, remedial science and engineering or help with chemistry homework - it’s up to you to find the formula that works best for your child.Free Tutoring and Educational Support AssociationsAnother option for those without a lot of money is tutoring associations for low-income families and various educational support programs at school and elsewhere.Sometimes, parents are unable to work with their children - either because they don’t have the education, or because their jobs don’t leave them the time - and can’t help them with their homework every day.Fortunately, there are volunteer associations dedicated to giving these children a chance. The homework helper doesn’t get paid - they are often retired teachers or academics working in the field who want to give back to the community by volunteering.After-school tutoring and library homework help sessionsSome schools offer an after-school tutoring program or homework sessions in-school, either with their own personnel or working with a tutoring association (see below.)Another place that offers homework help - often in homework sessions or study groups at a set time each day - are local libraries. They also serve as a resource centre for things such as ebooks or audiobooks on each subject. Check your local Council website for library locations and schools offering homework sessions to see if you can find a tutoring centre near you.Many libraries offer tutoring programs, making resources such as computers and documentation available to low-income children. Photo credit: City of Seattle Community Tech on Visual HuntNationwide tutoring programsThere are various associations and foundations dedicated to providing tutoring for children with learning difficulties or from underprivileged households. These are generally school programs who work with specific schools rather than from tutoring centres, giving on-th e-spot help in classrooms and offering one-on-one or small-group learning sessions after school to foster academic success. Some also offer to mentor children seeking to pursue an academic career, offering advice and career exploration, help with applications and encouragement.Some of them are:TutorFairThe Access ProjectAction TutoringHow Useful are Tutoring Apps for Extra School Support?It’s a fair question.Just as there are numerous learning websites, a number of apps have been developed to help children progress in various school subjects while having fun.It’s important to realise that smartphones are a common tool for today’s youth. They access them daily and, indeed, some teachers integrate apps and other smartphone tools into their classes.So why not turn to smartphone apps to help your child in school?Many of the apps are quite affordable, being either:Entirely freeFree for a certain amount of levels or without certain featuresCost under £5.00 for unlimited useThey hav e the advantage of speaking a language children respond to and capturing their attention with games and fun graphics.Education apps can help children master difficult concepts. Photo credit: flickingerbrad on VisualHunt.comCheck for those that have been developed not just by programmers and graphic designers, but with teachers as well. That way, you will have something user-friendly, with an engaging design that will also cover material relevant to your child’s classes, whether reading and writing, math and science.With such an incentive to learn, it’s obvious that apps are capable of helping children learn and improve their grades.However, they cannot replace lessons with a live person who can answer questions, see where your child’s weaknesses are and tailor their lessons to their individual needs. But they do offer courses accessible anywhere, anytime, with games and quizzes that will make learning fun.There are education apps for every level.Free Tutoring Resources: An Alt ernative to Private Tutors?Though educational websites and apps can definitely help your child improve their grades, are they enough for a student experiencing huge learning difficulties?One of the most important aspects of free tutoring, whether in live online classes, through revision websites or learning game apps, is that you have to organise yourself (or your child) properly.It’s important that parents follow what the child is doing, can track their progress and give them encouragement.Additionally, children are not often capable of imposing a learning rhythm on themselves. But it is proven that tutoring apps are only effective if they are used regularly and the child keeps at it.It’s important to find the right app - one that is adapted to the student and their needs - and set certain times aside, several times a week, to play and learn where the parent is available to answer questions and help with the exercises.The logical question, of course, is whether a physical tutor is even necessary for real progress to be made.It is.Deciding whether or not to get a private tutor is much more critical than it may appear at first.One-on-one tutoring is still the most effective way to help children with learning difficulties. Photo credit: US Department of Education on VisualhuntIndependent learning requires an amazing amount of discipline and autonomy. Having a teacher at hand is useful not just for motivation and to encourage certain learning habits, but also to give you feedback on your learning curve and to answer questions if need be. A teacher will guide their students depending on their needs and learning style and explain things in a different way if they don’t understand immediately. An app or website will present things in a certain way and not all children will respond to it.This doesn’t mean that websites and apps are useless. But they should be seen as a complementary tool to help stimulate the student and motivate them to learn trigonometry or geometry outside of any private tutoring lessons they might need.In short, free online tutoring - in writing, math/reading games; on YouTube, for engineering courses and quizzes or calculus 1 revision sheets are useful for students needing to bring up their grade a little, but who generally don’t have trouble learning.But if a specific subject - or all - is truly proving problematic for your child, choose one-on-one tutoring, whether a paid certified teacher through websites such as Superprof or a free volunteer-based program. The games and quizzes can still play a part in the learning process by motivating your child, but the real progress will be with their teacher.

Volunteering In-Schools - Roses Story

Volunteering In-Schools - Rose's Story At the Foundation, we never cease to be amazed by the calibre of the volunteers that come forward to support our projects. Top-selling tutors, ex-teachers, retired professionals and promising undergraduates. What a group! At a recent training event we met Rose, a recent physics graduate who’d been tutoring under her own steam for years. We were so impressed with her passion â€" particularly her desire to open the door for young women in STEM. No time was wasted in finding her a school placement and right off the bat she started with 6 hours per week volunteering in the maths department. We reached out to find out a bit more about Rose and how she’s been getting on… Tell us a bit about you â€" how did you get to where you are now?     I grew up in South London and went to school in Tooting, where I did Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-level. I went on to study for a bachelor’s degree in physics at Oxford University and graduated in July 2019 with a first. Now I’m back home and taking a few months off after finishing university, working in catering and teaching myself to code. How did you hear about the Foundation? How did you first get involved?   I have been a tutor in maths and science since I was 15, and I have always found it enjoyable and rewarding. On leaving university, I wanted to find a volunteering opportunity and after some research I discovered  Tutorfair  Foundation online and signed up! What are you doing with the Foundation this year?   Since the start of  November  I have been volunteering on Mondays at a school in Bethnal Green. I spend the first two hours of the day supporting a Year 12 Maths lesson, and the next two supporting a Year 13 Maths lesson. After lunch, I run a two-hour intervention session with 3-5 students, where we go over topics they are struggling with. What’s your favourite thing about volunteering with young people?   I really enjoy seeing the effect that a little extra help can achieve. It can be very hard to keep up in A-level maths, especially if the student isn’t very confident in their ability, but with a tutor there to fill the gaps, the student can really improve. What do you think is the biggest challenge working with young people?   Specifically  in maths, I have found that the biggest challenge is giving students the confidence to apply their knowledge from lessons and exercises to tests and exams. I try to keep this in mind when tutoring and get them to do lots of exam and harder questions. Has volunteering made you a better tutor? I definitely feel like a better tutor. Supporting lessons has given me an appreciation for the planning and structure of class teaching, and it’s interesting to see what approaches work best, and what students respond to. What’s your number one top tip for tutoring?   Listen to the student and let them do most of the work! If you plough ahead without them fully understanding the basics, then it will be really hard for them to make progress and gain confidence.

FCE Speaking Exam - 5 Tips for Success in Group Oral Exams

FCE Speaking Exam - 5 Tips for Success in Group Oral Exams FCE (First Certificate of English)  exams can be a challenge for students of English. How can you shine without appearing as though you are trying to dominate your partner?Here are 5 tips to help you out with the FCE speaking exam.1. Include Both ViewsWhen you are expressing a joint opinion don’t just talk about what you think, disregarding the views of your partner.   If you are representing both of your views make sure his/her opinion is included also.E.g. While we were discussing this issue, David made a very interesting point.David wants to add that….2. Use Correct PronounsIf you are expressing an idea shared by for both of you, use the pronoun we. Don’t take credit for his/her views by starting with I think.Contact us for 1-on-1 Online English Classes via Skype to help improve your FCE score3. Refer To Your Partner’s IdeasEven when you are asked an individual question on the group topic, it’s a good idea to make reference to the other person’s ideas.David made me con sider this topic in a new way when he said…..I like David’s idea that….  4. Take Interest in what your FCE Speaking Exam Partner SaysWhen your partner is talking in the FCE speaking exam it’s important to take interest in what he/she is saying. When he/she has finished talking you can comment:I agree/disagree with David when he says….5. Don’t InterruptIf there is a golden rule about oral exams it is not interrupting your partner while he/she is speaking. The examiner could penalize you for this.However, if you do have a partner who you feel is interrupting you during the FCE speaking exam, there are polite ways of getting your voice heard.These include:If I could cut across you there….I’d like to comment on what you just said, if that’s alright….Here is an example of a First Certificate group discussion topic. Practice it with a friend.FCE Speaking Exam Practice:Canadian:You are a Canadian man. You are having your first date with a Korean exchange student. You to ok her to a diner. Your hamburger and coke come to about 10 dollars so you take out 13 dollars. Your date ordered spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and a coke. That comes to 14.00 so you ask your date for 17.00. She should actually put in 17.50, but you want to seem like a nice guy, not a cheap guy. This should improve your chances of getting to kiss your date good night.When you ask her for the money, it seems to upset her. Use the 4 steps to solve this problem.1. Both people explain what they find unusual about the others behavior. 2. Each person realizes the others cultural perceptions. 3. Each person learns how the problem would be handled in the others culture. 4. Together, the two people develop conflict solutions.Korean:You are a Korean exchange student. You are on your first date in Canada. Youve just enjoyed a great dinner, but the meals in Canadian diners are too big and you couldnt finish. Your date helped you by eating one of your two large meatballs and one of your 3 pieces of garlic bread.Now hes asking you for 17.00 but you dont understand why he asked you out on a date and is unwilling to pay for your meal, especially on the first date. He should pay for the meal and you should buy coffee afterwards. Plus he wants you to pay for everything you ordered, even though he had one of your meatballs and one piece of garlic bread. Is he cheap or is there some cultural conflict at work here? Use the 4 steps to solve the problem.1. Both people explain what they find unusual about the others behavior. 2. Each person realizes the others cultural perceptions. 3. Each person learns how the problem would be handled in the others culture. 4. Together, the two people develop conflict solutions.Have any questions about speaking in the FCE exam? You can ask them in comments and well help.